Product Strategy

Study Note: The Product Strategy is summarized into the Roadmap. Although I wanted to separate the Roadmap from the the Product Strategy, because here I’d like to show 2 important theories that will help you create a more effective Product Strategy. And before actually writing down the Roadmap, I have added another section, the Business Analysis. I’ve done this because before adding anything to the roadmap, you have to carefully evaluate the economic and financial impact of the added development effort.

Definition: The Product Strategy are an organized group of Initiatives that help to achieve the Product Vision. The Product Vision provides the big picture of what the Product is trying to achieve.

Product Strategy Theory


Why study this book? If you want to build a product that is the natural brain answer to a problem we face, you should apply this framework. This framework will help you to create addictive products. Use it with care!

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Product Strategy Theory

Intercom on Product Management

Why study this book? It expands the concepts expressed in “Product Strategy Means Saying No” and tries to give you an entry rule for Features in your Backlog.

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Product Strategy Theory

Lean Analytics

Why study this book? If you are building a Product from 0, this book explains a framework that will help you from inception to scale it to the world in a scientific and measurable way.

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Product Strategy Theory

Product Strategy Means Saying No

Why study this article? If you think that Product Management means building a product with a lot of features, this article teaches you to remove that concept from your mind.

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Nicolas Nemni ・ Tel Aviv, Israel